Using Sherpa's MCMC sampler =========================== This is just a very quick example of what can be done with the `~saba.SherpaMCMC` object, which is available from the `~saba.SherpaFitter.get_sampler` method. Let's quickly define some data and a model: .. code-block:: ipython x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1) y = 2 + 0.5 * x + 3 * x**2 fit_model = Polynomial1D(2) Now we define a fitter and find the minima by fitting the model to the data: .. code-block:: ipython sfit = SherpaFitter(statistic='cash', optimizer='levmar', estmethod='covariance') fitted_model = sfit(fit_model,x, y, xbinsize=binsize, err=yerrs) Getting the sampler object -------------------------- To get the sampler we create a `~saba.SherpaMCMC` object using the `~saba.SherpaFitter.get_sampler` method of the fitter instance: .. code-block:: ipython sampler = sfit.get_sampler() Defining Priors --------------- Now before we get the draws from the sampler we can define prior distributions by defining the function and using the `~saba.SherpaMCMC.set_prior` method to assign it to a parameter: .. code-block:: ipython def lognorm(x): sigma = 0.5 x0 = 1 dx = np.log10(x) - x0 norm = sigma / np.sqrt(2 * sx*dx/(sigma*sigma)) sampler.set_prior("c0", lognorm) Getting Draws ------------- To use the sampler we call it as a function, passing in the number of draws you wish to make from the sampler: .. code-block:: ipython stat_vals, param_vals, accepted = sampler(niter=20000) .. code-block:: ipython Using Priors: wrap_.c0: wrap_.c1: wrap_.c2: To look at the results we can define some simple helper functions. First a function for plotting the bins on a line plot: .. code-block:: ipython def plotter(xx,yy,c): px=[] py=[] for (xlo,xhi),y in zip(zip(xx[:-1],xx[1:]),yy): px.extend([xlo,xhi]) py.extend([y,y]) plt.figure() plt.plot(px,py,c=c) plt.ylabel("Number") Second, we define a fucntion for plotting a histogram from the accepted parameter values: .. code-block:: ipython def plot_hist(mcmc, pname, nbins, c="b"): yy, xx = np.histogram(mcmc.parameters[pname][mcmc.accepted], nbins) plotter(xx, yy, c) plt.axvline(mcmc.parameter_map[pname].val, c=c) plt.xlabel("Value") And finally we plot the cumulative density function from the accepted parameter values, including some very rough error bars: .. code-block:: ipython def plot_cdf(mcmc, pname,nbins, c="b", sigfrac=0.682689): y, xx = np.histogram(mcmc.parameters[pname][mcmc.accepted], nbins) cdf = [y[0]] for yy in y[1:]: cdf.append(cdf[-1] + yy) cdf = np.array(cdf) cdf = cdf / float(cdf[-1]) plotter(xx,cdf,c) plt.axvline(mcmc.parameter_map[pname].val,c=c) #fit value #this is inaccurate but gives you and idea siglo = (1 - sigfrac) / 2.0 sighi = (1 + sigfrac) / 2.0 med_ind = np.argmin(abs(cdf-0.5)) lo_ind = np.argmin(abs(cdf - siglo)) hi_ind = np.argmin(abs(cdf - sighi)) plt.axvline((xx[med_ind] + xx[med_ind + 1]) / 2, ls="--", c=c) plt.axvline((xx[lo_ind] + xx[lo_ind + 1]) / 2, ls="--", c=c) plt.axvline((xx[hi_ind] + xx[hi_ind + 1]) / 2, ls="--", c=c) plt.xlabel("Interation") We can first plot the histogram of the accepted draws for each parameter value along with a line for the value from the fit: .. code-block:: ipython plot_hist(sampler, 'c0', 100, 'k') plot_hist(sampler, 'c1', 100, 'r') plot_hist(sampler, 'c2', 100, 'b') .. image:: _generated/example_plot_mcmc_hist.png Then a quick cdf: .. code-block:: ipython plot_cdf(sampler, 'c0', 100, 'k') plot_cdf(sampler, 'c1', 100, 'r') plot_cdf(sampler, 'c2', 100, 'b') .. image:: _generated/example_plot_mcmc_cdf.png Both the fit values and the draws middle points are about 2, 0.5 and 3 for c0, c1 and c2 respectively, which are the true values.